Does Hitting A Deer Raise Your Insurance?

Have you ever wondered if hitting a deer on the road will raise your insurance rates? The short answer is yes, it can. However, there are several factors that come into play when determining how much your rates will increase and what kind of coverage you have. In this article, we'll explore the different types of insurance coverage for deer collisions, the factors that affect your rates after hitting a deer, and ways to lower your rates if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation.

It's important to understand that hitting a deer can be dangerous and expensive. Not only can it cause significant damage to your vehicle, but it also puts you at risk of injury or even death. That's why having the right insurance coverage is crucial in case of an accident with a deer or any other type of wildlife on the road. So let's dive into what you need to know about how hitting a deer can affect your insurance rates.

If you hit a deer, your insurance coverage may depend on factors such as whether or not you have comprehensive coverage and the specific terms of your policy. Hitting a deer is considered an accident but it does not necessarily mean that your insurance premiums will go up. Comprehensive coverage is typically what covers damage caused by hitting a deer.

Comprehensive coverage is optional and must be added to your policy. This type of coverage helps pay for damages to your car from events outside of accidents involving other cars such as hitting animals, theft, and natural disasters. If you have comprehensive coverage and hit a deer, then this type of event would likely be covered under your policy without affecting your rates.

However, if you do not have comprehensive coverage then hitting a deer may not be covered by your insurance at all. In addition, if you file a claim due to hitting a deer with only liability or collision coverage, there's still the possibility that your rates might increase due to the claim being filed against these types of policies that are designed for at-fault accidents involving other vehicles.

Factors That Affect Your Insurance Rates After Hitting a Deer

One interesting factor that affects how much you pay for coverage after colliding with a buck or doe is the average cost of repairs, which can range from $2,500 to $4,000. The amount your insurance goes up also depends on the extent of damage to your vehicle and whether anyone was injured in the accident. If you have comprehensive coverage and hit a deer, your rates are likely to go up by an average of 3% to 5%, but this may vary depending on where you live.

Another important factor that affects your insurance rates after hitting a deer is your driving history. If you have a record of multiple accidents or traffic violations, then you may be considered a high-risk driver and could see higher increases in premiums than someone with a clean driving record. Additionally, if you file multiple claims within a short period of time, this could also cause your rates to increase significantly.

Lastly, some insurance companies offer discounts or incentives for drivers who take steps to avoid hitting deer such as installing deer whistles or taking defensive driving courses. It's important to check with your insurer to see if they offer any programs like this that could help offset the cost of increased premiums after hitting a deer. Overall, while colliding with wildlife can be unavoidable at times, it's important to understand how it can impact your insurance rates so that you can make informed decisions about coverage and take steps towards safe driving practices.

Factors That Affect Your Insurance Rates After Hitting A Deer
Average Cost Of RepairsExtent Of Damage To VehicleDriving History
$2,500 - $4,000Varies Depending On The AccidentMultiple Accidents Or Traffic Violations Can Increase Premiums

How to File an Insurance Claim After Hitting a Deer

To file an insurance claim after colliding with a deer, you'll need to gather all necessary information and contact your insurer as soon as possible. First, take photos of the damage caused by the collision and any injuries sustained. Collect the other driver's information if there was another car involved in the accident. This includes their name, phone number, and insurance policy number.

Next, call your insurance company to report the accident and ask about next steps for filing a claim. The representative will likely ask for details about the incident such as when and where it occurred, who was involved, and what damages were incurred. They may also request additional documentation like police reports or medical bills.

Once you've filed your claim, an adjuster will visit you to assess the damage done to your vehicle or property. After that, they'll determine whether or not it's covered by your insurance policy and work with you to create a plan for repairs or replacement. Remember that every insurance company is different so it's important to review your policy carefully before filing a claim so that you understand exactly what is covered and what isn't.

Ways to Lower Your Insurance Rates After a Deer Collision

Looking to lower insurance rates after colliding with a deer? Wondering if there are any effective ways to do it? Well, there are a few things you can do to potentially reduce your premiums. The first and most obvious one is to drive carefully and avoid accidents altogether. This may sound easier said than done, but being extra cautious on the road can go a long way in preventing collisions with wildlife.

Another way to lower your insurance rates after hitting a deer is by taking a defensive driving course. Many insurance companies offer discounts for completing these courses, which teach you how to anticipate potential hazards and react safely in different driving situations. By demonstrating that you're committed to improving your driving skills, you may be able to convince your insurer that you're less of a risk.

Lastly, consider raising your deductible if it's currently low. A higher deductible means that you'll have to pay more out of pocket before your insurance kicks in, but it also means that your premiums will be lower overall. Just make sure that you choose an amount that you could comfortably afford in case of another accident. By implementing these strategies and working with your insurer, you may be able to see some savings on your car insurance after colliding with a deer.

Tips for Avoiding Deer Collisions in the Future

You can avoid colliding with deer in the future by following these simple tips. Firstly, be alert and aware of your surroundings when driving, especially during dawn and dusk when deer are most active. Keep an eye out for any movement or reflections from their eyes which can indicate their presence.

Secondly, reduce your speed in areas where there are high chances of encountering deer such as near forests or fields. This will give you more time to react if a deer suddenly appears on the road. Additionally, use your high beams when possible as it may help you spot a deer before it crosses your path.

Lastly, if you spot a deer on the road, do not swerve to avoid it as this may cause more harm than good. Instead, brake firmly and try to maintain control of your vehicle while hitting the animal head-on. Remember that colliding with a deer is often unavoidable but being vigilant and prepared can greatly minimize the risk of injury or damage to yourself and your car.

By following these tips, you can greatly reduce the chances of colliding with a deer while driving. Remember that prevention is always better than cure so stay alert, drive safely and be prepared for any unexpected encounters with wildlife on the road.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost of repairing a vehicle after hitting a deer?

The average cost of repairing a vehicle after hitting a deer ranges from $2,500 to $4,000. This includes damage to the front end of the car and potentially other parts such as the hood, windshield, and bumper.

Is hitting a deer considered an at-fault accident?

Hitting a deer is typically considered a not-at-fault accident, as it is an unforeseeable event. However, your insurance rates may still increase due to the cost of repairs and potential claims made by other parties involved.

Does my insurance cover the cost of any injuries sustained during a deer collision?

If you hit a deer and suffer injuries, your insurance may cover the medical expenses under your personal injury protection or medical payments coverage. However, it depends on your policy and state laws.

Can I choose my own repair shop after hitting a deer, or does my insurance company have to approve it?

After hitting a deer, you may choose your own repair shop. However, it's recommended to check with your insurance company first as some policies require pre-approval for repairs.

Will my insurance rates increase if I report a deer collision, even if I don't file a claim?

Reporting a deer collision without filing a claim generally won't raise your insurance rates, but hitting a deer does increase the likelihood of future accidents. In fact, one in every 169 drivers will hit a deer this year.


So, does hitting a deer raise your insurance rates? The answer is not straightforward. Your insurance rates could go up or down depending on various factors such as the severity of the damage caused, your previous driving record, and the type of coverage you have. It's important to understand your policy and talk to your insurance agent to see how hitting a deer will affect your rates.

If you do end up in a collision with a deer, remember to stay calm and follow proper protocol for filing an insurance claim. Take photos of the damage and get in touch with your agent as soon as possible. While no one can guarantee that you won't hit a deer in the future, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk such as staying alert while driving at dawn and dusk, obeying speed limits, using high-beam headlights when appropriate, and avoiding swerving if you spot a deer in front of you.

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Taking precautions while driving can save lives – both yours and those of innocent animals on our roads. Whether or not hitting a deer raises your insurance rates should be secondary to ensuring safety for all parties involved. So drive safely and responsibly – it may just help prevent unwanted surprises down the road!